Race Schedule
Please arrive at Mulberry Cove Marina at 1530 to
help rig the boats. The first race of the day will commence at 1600. Several races are scheduled for each day depending on
the weather conditions.
July 21st
July 29th
At least one person on each boat must be qualified to
operate the Flying Scot sailboat, by holding a Skipper B certification or equivalent. Contact the Mulberry Cove
Marina (542-3260) or Spencer Wait, the NJYC Rear Commodore Sail, at rcsail@navyjaxyachtclub.com for more information on attaining a skipper B certification.
Teams must register by 1430 on the day of each
race by completing a Race Registration Form at Mulberry Cove Marina. One is also available for download on this site.
Even if you do not know how to sail, you can get on the water
with us and gain experience with a qualified skipper. Just contact rcsail@navyjaxyachtclub.com for details and crew positions available.
Program Details
There is no cost to participate, but teams may be charged
for equipment lost at sea. So please take care of our MWR assets.
Instructions (SI) will be provided or verbally disclosed at the competitors' meeting just prior to the race committee
leaving the docks at 1545.
Racing will be scored using the low point system, and will
be governed by the 2009-2012 US Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing RRS.
Racing Practice
Intramural participants may use the Flying Scots for
practice one day during the week of a scheduled race FOR FREE. Advanced sailing and racing instruction
can also be scheduled during this time. To schedule advanced instruction contact rcsail@navyjaxyachtclub.com.